Saturday, April 5, 2008

Its a Dog's Life...

Hello friends,

I wish we had more days like today, my mom and was a total dog day.

This morning, we slept until 8:30 - which was fantastic, since mom was up at 5:30 AM last Saturday morning. I was pleasantly surprised to find that although overcast, it was not raining and the day showed some promise weather wise. After breakfast, mom went to kickboxing and I took my nap. So far, so good.

After kickboxing, we went on my walk. When we walked by Truth's house, the front door was open, so I went in to see if she wanted to come on our walk with us. She did, but her mom did not, so she got to be a normal dog on a normal dog walk. After our walk, it was off to softball practice - which was the BEST part of the day.

Mom made a big mistake in taking me to practice. She got so excited that it was nice outside, she gave no thought to the condition of the field and grass at the park. It was blissful for a field lab such as myself - when my ball landed in the grass, it splatted in the water. The field was mushy and muddy, and got all over my belly and in my nails. But I had so much fun - mom let me run free in the outfield, and I made a new friend, Roxi the boxer. Thankfully, mom has a good seat cover, as there were no towels in the car. She thought she could brush the dirt out of me, but thankfully she realized quickly that was not going to cut it. I got soaped up in the bath twice to get all the mud out of me.

My day was good but exhausting. Mom treated us to Graeter's tonight, and the girl that waited on her took special care to ensure my sugar cone was not crushed in transport - she put it in a cup with a lid on it. I am now ready for bed after my long says we have a lot of outside work to do tomorrow, including cleaning the garage, mowing the back yard and pruning a few bushes. She says we also need to go see grammie, who has another cold.

I need to rest up for my day tomorrow, pray my mom does not have me out of bed at an ungodly hour tomorrow...

Very sincerely,

Chelsie Belle

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I'm sure you loved playing in the mud. I know that I always loved the mud and tried to make a mess whenever I was little. Enjoy your time outside because I think the weather has finally broke.