Monday, February 11, 2008

Common Sense Running Strong

Apparently, yesterday when I was cleaning the basement, I did not reattach the door to the furnace properly. The furnace lever was not engaged and thus, the furnace shut off. I feel like an idiot - on one hand, I am thrilled that is only cost me $100, but on the other am so dang frustrated I can hardly stand it. Oh well. Bottom line is, we have made it up to 57 in the house. Chelsie has settled in for her morning nap, I still have the space heater blowing and when it gets up to 60, I will think about taking a shower and going into work. God bless VPN. When someone finds common sense, send it my way.


The Monroes said...

Don't look to me for common sense...BUT they charged you 100 to come out and put the furnace door on??? You should call their manager and get some of that back! It should just be the price of a service call, which is not 100.00!!!

the youngbergs said...

It almost reached 75 here today...oh wait, is this not an appropriate time to bring that up? Poor Chels, did she wake up with frost on her nose? Glad you girls are starting to warm up!

Alexis said...

At least you're warmer now and know what happened. Next time you'll know if the furnace is not working to check the door. It will be a cheaper fix.