Monday, February 11, 2008

It's Freezing...

It is currently 50 degrees in my house. I think this is indicative of a problem. I have managed to convince little Chel to lay close - she generates a lot of heat. I thought it very strange last night that she was willing to stay under the covers next to me...until I woke up at 4AM and thought about how cold it was. When I looked at the thermometer and saw it was 50, I said an explective. I am hoping it can be fixed, but being as it is the original unit on the house and the house is nearly 22 years old, I am not holding my breath. Two months too late for a nice tax credit...

1 comment:

Equipment Guy's Blog said...

An expletive huh, got to love a woman that appreciates the sublime joy of a choice curse word.

Read the other post, glad to know it wasn't so serious.

You and the belle seem to be doing well, makes me happy to know that. Give the new 6 year old a big ole hug from me.