Monday, March 3, 2008

Homesick for California....

My whirlwind trip to California was very successful - I got there 2 hrs early as I was able to get on an earlier flight standby (despite having checked my bag) and enjoy a few extra hours with my friend Adrienne. On Saturday morning, we got up and went to kickboxing - what a freaking amazing workout. For all my softball buddies, it has the same workout effects of the dreaded "circuit" - which I am sure brings back such pleasant memories. I am on the lookout for a mixed martial arts studio here in Columbus. The workout whooped my fanny despite three nights a week of indoor soccer...but thankfully, it has not inhibited movement and I can still walk, dress myself, feed myself.... :)

The baby shower was a ton of fun, and Saturday night I saw some old HS friends. We watched the UFC fight, which was actually in Columbus. I had never seen such a fight, but actually had a whole new respect for the physical conditioning of wrestlers and boxers after my workout yesterday morning.

I was surprised at how much I missed California this trip - I am always glad to be there and always have fun, but this time I found myself reflecting on how different my life would have, could have been. Had my parents still lived in LA, I probably would have transferred back when still working for Deloitte - which would have obviously changed my life dramatically. I do miss Adrienne terribly, and we always have such a good time when we get together. Our 36 hr weekend was short, but I would not have missed it.

Of course, I was very glad to get home and see the baby angel. It was an exciting afternoon for her, because grammie had packed up her stuff - so she knew she was going home. As usual, my parents kicked butt - my laundry was on my dresser and my comforter and towels were clean. Grammie and Grand Paw also brought the baby angel to the airport with them - as I put my luggage in the trunk, she was resting her head in the back of the car, just watching me, begging me not to leave her. I actually opened up the door and let her out so she could jump all over me. She was sitting up against me, touching me the whole way home. She is now resting on the bed next to me, passed out - and grinding her teeth. I hate that...I kick her and wake her up when she does that...

On Saturday night, my friend Leno borrowed a car from Adrienne's brother. Leno is another good friend of mine - the guy would give you the shirt off this back. We dropped him off to get the car and then he followed us back to the freeway. As we waved and went out separate directions, I thought about how lucky I was to have such good people in my life.

Two final notes...

Mom, Dad - don't read this and get paranoid, I am NOT moving back to California.

And worst of all....THE WEATHER YESTERDAY WAS AWFUL!!! OVERCAST AND CLOUDY, DAMP AND COLD (relatively speaking). To add insult to injury, it was already 65 when Adrienne dropped me off at the airport. I text messaged her to told her I landed and she responded it was 80 degrees. I mean, come on....


The Monroes said...

Sounds like a fun trip- I love California!

the youngbergs said...

Did you have to mention the circuit??? I'm so glad you had a good time....Cali misses you!