Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Out of the House...FINALLY...

For the past week or so, it has been so miserably cold, snowy and icy here, I really have not been able to do much more than let poor Chel out to do her business. This has resulted in her going a little stir crazy - and who can blame her? What is means is that I have picked up several (MANY) of her toys just about once a day for the last week.

Finally, was Wednesday. Dodd and agility night - last Wednesday was the night we got our big snowstorm in Cbus - it took me 90 minutes to get home and we were not going anywhere after that. I think she was so happy just to get out - I picked up her red working vest and she got so excited....I felt bad for not being able to get her out.

I really could have stayed home tonight - it was a long weekend working on the basement (I know I still have to post about that but I am too tired) it is cold, my body aches and I am tired. But we went...and I am glad we did. It did not seem like we saw very many patients tonight...but we done good for the ones we saw. In the last room we were in, I thought one of the patients was asleep, but she wasn't...and she was just so darn excited to be able to see Chel and pet her for a few minutes. And she did so well tonight...we were in a few of the rooms for over 10 minutes, and she just sat there and was a great sport. She was asked to "shake" a lot tonight, which is not always her favorite thing to do, but she did it just about every time someone asked. Good job, Chelsie, mom is very proud of you.

After that it was off to agility. Agility did me some good tonight, I really like a few of the people in my class - Harriet and Stacy always make me laugh, and tonight was no different. We did have a little scare on the A frame...she must have slid going down it, and dragged one of her feet over the slats - made an awful sound. She seemed no worse for the wear and went right back on, so I will have to watch her to make sure she is ok. She is resting peacefully on her half of our king sized bed...

We hope everyone is staying warm!!!!

1 comment:

Princess Coral said...

Dear Chelsie,

Thank you for your comment on my blog the other day!

Good job for shaking for patients and making them smile!
Hope you didn't get hurt at the agility. That sounds fun though. I want to try some day...

Love & Wags,

Princess Coral who is dreaming of sleeping in a big king size bed!