Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crazy, Sassy, HECTIC Life

What a whirlwind week this has been...I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. I have literally been in various meetings/trainings all week, hence I am up sending some emails just to get stuff crossed off my list. My first conference call tomorrow is at 8AM.

Thank god for my dad literally dropped everything when I called him at 7:30 Monday morning to be here for the solar tube installation. I was supposed to have it done on Friday, but the weather did not cooperate - and almost did not cooperate on Monday either. I was home on Friday, but could not be home Monday. They are again helping out tomorrow night - I am going to a charity event that starts at 6PM on campus...they will be up tomorrow and have agreed to take Chelsie home with them and bring her home on Friday morning - when my dad comes at 8AM for the sprinkler guys. I had a couple of meetings come on to my calendar on Friday even though it was blocked off (sort of at the mercy of those with more seniority than me!) and again, my parents are bailing me out. I am sure little Chel, who is already dreaming on the bed next to me, will be thrilled to spend the night with grammie and grampie. She will survive.

We will be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday for an agility competition in Zanesville, and then will run back to Marysville for Kaitlyn's first birthday party at 3:30. I will then go home, collapse and get up and do it again on Sunday....

Tonight was Dodd night...only 17 patients in the house. As usual, she was outstanding. I think she is growing up - she was very, very mellow tonight and just ultra content to stand and be petted. Maybe she was still tired from last night??? Tonight, we saw a young man we saw last week - he had some sort of brain surgery and was having difficulty speaking last week, but tonight, he sort of talked to me! It was very exciting. He had some Steelers garb in his room, and I asked him if he was a Steeler fan (um, duh, yes, I know) and he was quite excited to tell me he was. He also said thank you for stopping in. I said something to the nurses and they said his progress was far beyond what they expected. It was super encouraging.

On another note, I saw someone I knew in there tonight. I don't know you could say I know him, but I know who he is. It was very obvious he was quite ill, and indeed he is. It was very shocking to see him as he is, when thinking of him as he was. I will say an extra prayer for him and his family, they need it. I will also say an additional prayer of thanks for my own good health and the health of those around me.

We hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a great weekend. Looks like the rain will go away for a few days but come back Sunday night. I had my lawn fertilized right before this rain started, so it is very, very green and makes me very happy when I pull into my driveway...


Nicole and the snoring, dreaming lab

1 comment:

Becky Andrews said...

Great post and what a beautiful impact you and Chels have on the people you touch. Agree - gratitude for good health - such a blessing, isn't it!