I think my last post was from my last night in Europe...and today I have been home for a week...so I suppose I should fill everyone in and let them know I made it home safely. It was not without incident...it had been raining in Atlanta, apparently in large quantities, and we were stuck there for 9 hours. Our final destination was Dayton, not Columbus - and at 12:30AM. By the time I got home, I had been awake for 24+ hrs and by the time I got to sleep, it felt like 8:30 in the morning. I still consider myself to be in the end stages of recovery from this trip.
I knew going into this that the schedule following my return would be NUTS...softball Tuesday and Thursday, agility Wedensday, a dinner event on Friday after day 1 of a three day agility trial where I was course buiding (not for my club, another club). On Monday, I made my way over to Indiana, where I am currently drafting this post. I will be returning tomorrow. As luck would have it, we happen to have the same schedule as our CFO, and we will reap the benefits of the corporate jet coming and going on this trip. I can't tell you how nice it is not to have to deal with the chaos at Midway...esp because I am TIRED. It is also nice to have the morning to work, because I have a new hire starting on Thursday and have not done much to get ready for him. Did I mention I have a presentation with some big wigs on Thursday afternoon as well? Such is life....busy hands are happy hands.
This weekend, I have NOTHING. The inside of my house is a mess by my standards...I had to deal with the outside before I left to come to Indiana. My grass was so long you could have made hay...it had been raining pretty much since I had gotten home, so I couldn't mow. Sunday provided a little break, and 4 hrs later, the yard was mowed (and I was happy) I hope to sleep in and spend some time with the bean - maybe take her to the park to chase her ball or on some nice long walks. I have not spent a lot of time with her as of late, and I miss her.
Blogger was crabby in Europe, so for those of you who are not my friends on FB, here are some of my favorite photos from the trip. Hope everyone is well!!!